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Back To School Next Fall?

Can you imagine growing up in a world where you aren’t going to school? This could be reality for students looking to attend school in the fall. After a weird spring because of the novelty Covid-19 Virus, people are hoping and praying to be able to return back to school in the fall.

Students across the globe had their academic year abruptly cut short as the contagious Coronavirus shut down entire countries. Here in the United States, the country was closed as of mid March, with a glimmer of hoping to return back to normalcy in a few short weeks. We soon learned that this virus was not going away anytime soon, and students finished the remainder of their 2020 education from their homes. The question now on everyones mind is “will students return to school in person in the fall?”

Distance learning has been a blessing for some but a challenge for others. Children are missing out on socializing with their friends and the benefit of in person learning. Others are finding it easier to work independently and enjoying being home with their loved ones. Regardless of how people are adjusting, the students, teachers and parents are experiencing a major change. Teachers have to discover new ways to teach from afar while both students and parents try to create a daily school routine.

The future of schooling in the fall of 2020 is very uncertain. Some hope to get back to normalcy while others enjoy the independent learning. After months of quarantine and isolation, the general consensus is that people want to return back to school in the fall and all precautions will be taken to do so!

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