Many people are surprised to find out that in addition to buying premium event tickets, VIPTIX can also help you sell your extra seats and earn a little bit of cash! Listing your seats in a worldwide marketplace can be intimidating and we understand that you may have some questions. Let us put our nearly 20 years of experience to work for you!!!
To get started, click “Sell Tickets” in the upper right hand corner of the page, or call one of our ticket specialists right away at 1-716-847-8499. You will of course want to get the most back for your extra seats, but it’s sometimes tough to know what to list them for. This is where the personal touch of VIPTIX comes in handy! You can either do your homework on our very own site, or speak to us in person/over the phone and we’ll give you a rundown of the market and honest opinions about how to ensure a quick, easy sale.
When listing your seats with VIPTIX you get MAXIMUM EXPOSURE! Instead of fiddling with one or a few websites, VIPTIX cannot only manage your listing (in terms of pricing) but we use our resources to get you on nearly every Ticket Website or Exchange in the World! With tons of exposure and a great list price, we can usually come through for our clients in a timely manner.
A full list of specific questions can be found here, or to get started, call our offices. We are confident VIPTIX can take the stress out of selling your tickets and with our quick payments; you’ll want to use us again and again!
Selling Tickets Made Easy!!
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