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Month: July 2020

Drive In Concerts and Events

Covid-19 has had an astronomically large effect on the way the world is working in 2020. One area that has been hit with a change so hard is the entertainment industry. People are yearning to get out and do social things, but for the most part, can not. Restaurants are limited, events are cancelled and large gatherings are virtually prohibited. The entertainment industry is looking for creative ways to stay alive and bring the views what they so desperately desire. One clever idea that has been treading around the country is drive in concerts. Is this the future of entertainment…at least for now?

Drive in movies have always been a hit since they first came on the scene in the 1950s. The idea of being both social while being isolated was one that people enjoyed. Although this fad did lose steam throughout the years, this new idea for concerts and shows is bringing the interest back to life. First starting with Garth Brooks and now countless other artists are looking to tour this way. The way this works is that each car costs $114 to enter. This ticket gets you and a carload of people into the concert. The show will then be displayed live on the screens throughout the drive in. This same show will be shown in drive ins across the country, but will be the only way to see the event. This type of viewing can be used for sporting events as well. It allows the audience to have the feeling of togetherness, while still being safe.

This may not be the most conventional way to see shows, but due to the unprecedented circumstances of the 2020 Coronavirus, the drive in viewing is a great way to fill the void of the entertainment we are lacking. Whether you are craving excitement or you miss the feeling of togetherness, the drive in viewings are a way to improve the entertainment world in 2020. Would you go see your favorite artist or team on the big drive in screen?

View Drive In Concerts and Events

Summer Without Baseball

Take me out to the ball game…well maybe not this year. With Covid-19 halting most sporting events, it’s safe to say there will be no peanuts and cracker jacks until next season. Baseball is America’s sport and it wouldn’t be summer without ballpark food and some good old fashion hardball, but this year things have changed. Being from Buffalo, we enjoy heading down to Sahlen Field to watch our AAA Buffalo Bisons play all summer long. What will you miss the most about a baseball-less summer?

The Buffalo Bisons are a AAA baseball team who is the Toronto Blue Jays farm team. Year after year, both Buffaloians and Canadians fill the ballpark to watch their Bisons suit up and play. Every so often, one of the players will get pulled up and play in a series or 2 with the Blue Jays, while other times, some Blue Jays players may drop down and play with us in Buffalo. This affiliation is a big draw to some major games, while others are just headed to Sahlen Field for an evening of entertainment.

The Bisons fill their season with “themed games” such as Star Wars Night, Zombie Night, and the famous BPO Independence Day game. These themed nights, mixed with Friday Night Bash and fireworks draw many families and friends to the park for a night out. There are interactive promotional games that the fans can be chosen to participate in as well as various food choices and wonderful displays of athleticism. With over 80 home games in a season, there is always a chance to catch a game in the summertime.

A summer without baseball is a real shame for sports fans everywhere. Whether you are drawn in for the entertainment, the players, the food or the themed events, baseball will be missed this summer. The Buffalo Bisons plan to go back to business as usual in the summer of 2021 and we will all can’t wait til then!

View Summer Without Baseball

