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Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Major League Baseball is scheduled to launch its 2020 regular season. Amid everything that has been going on with the novel coronavirus, all major league sports have been cancelled since the middle of March, but that is all about to end. Starting July 23, 2o2o, Major League Baseball will begin its season. Although they are scheduled to start, baseball may look a bit different this year.

After a nearly insufferable 5 months with little to no entertainment, people are ecstatic to tune in to watch live sports again beginning with the MLB on Thursday July 23. The MLB has announced that they will be scheduling a 60-game season without the fans. As more information comes out, many questions are arising about what this season will look like. The big question being whether or not the season will finish. Opening day was scheduled to take place on March 26, 2020 but was cancelled due to the beginning spread of Covid-19 in the United States. Although we have more cases now than we did back then, we have more information about the virus and how it spreads. The season will definitely start, but will it be completed? New safety protocol has been put into place to protect against the spread of the virus for the players and staff. The overwhelming concern is the risk of spread as the players travel across the country at a time when that’s inadvisable. They can then come in contact with people who have little to no interest in the success of the MLB. What will the response be if an outbreak occurs in the MLB? Will the season continue while both Covid-19 and the flu could be in the forecast in the late fall and early winter? These hard and morbid questions are those that the MLB must be ready and willing to answer.

We are all on the edge of our seat waiting for things to get back to normal, and as of now, we are on the right track. With entertainment beginning to show its face, many questions and concerns arise. The MLB is taking the first steps in providing us with the sports we have craved so much and we are all interested to sit back and watch as it unfolds. Hopefully all will go well and by 2021 we can pack the stands with fans to cheer on their favorite team. When that time does come, please consider VIPTIX for all your ticket needs. Now “Play Ball!”

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