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Tag: masters

by Nick Giammusso

Masters Golf Tournament

The Masters Golf Tournament is one of the four major championships in professional golf. Scheduled for the first full week of April, it is the first of the majors to be played each year. Unlike the other major championships, the Masters is held each year at the same location, Augusta National Golf Club, a private golf club in the city of Augusta, Georgia.


Masters Golf Tickets

Although tickets for the Masters are not expensive, they are very difficult to come by.  Even the Masters Golf practice rounds can be difficult to get into.  Applications for Masters practice round tickets have to be made nearly a year in advance and the successful applicants are chosen by random ballot.  Tickets to the actual Masters tournament are sold only to members of a patrons list, which is closed.  The Masters also began allowing children (between the ages of 8 and 16) to enter on tournament days free if they are accompanied by the patron who is the owner of his or her badge.

The Masters Golf Practice Rounds are the first three days of the Tournament, Monday-Wednesday.  Masters Practice Round tickets are sold as Daily Grounds Passes (or Badges).  Although sold-out from Augusta National, these daily Masters Grounds Passes are readily sold in the secondary market or on sites such as VIPTIX.com starting at around $300 per ticket.  The Masters Tournament play gets underway on Thursday and culminates with the awarding of the traditional green jacket on Sunday evening.  The Masters Grounds Badges, whether for practice rounds or tournament play are sold (or rented) to attendees and need to be returned to their owner immediately upon leaving Augusta National.  Masters Golf tickets are only distributed just 30-60 days prior to the tournament.


Masters Golf Hotels

There are not very many Masters Golf Hotel properties located in and around the Augusta, Georgia area.  For such a major corporate sporting event, there are no 4 or 5-star high end luxury hotel properties available in the area.  Many of the tournament attendees are forced to stay in nearby Aiken, Georgia or as far away as Columbia or Greenville, South Carolina.  Although you will surely encounter ‘No Vacancy’ signs at almost all hotels during Masters week, a good idea would be to check with a hotel broker or a sports travel company such as VIPTIX.com for Masters Golf Hotel rooms.

Masters Golf Hospitality

The Masters Golf Tournament is played outdoors often in the hot sun.  There is Masters Hospitality conveniently available just steps from the main gate that will allow you to catch a break from the heat.  Entrepreneurs have purchased depressed housing on Magnolia Drive just outside the main gates and remodeled them to use as a hospitality venue just for the Masters Golf Tournament.  The Masters Golf Hospitality houses are callled The Lodge of Augusta, The Executive Club, Club Magnolia, 1018 Club and The Lodge on Magnolia.  The Masters Hospitality includes high-end food and drinks as well as offering a great place to meet with friends, employees and clients in a classy atmosphere with golf decor. 
