Raise your hand if you had an event cancelled or postponed due to Covid-19. I bet almost everyone who is reading this has their hand up. This virus has taken a toll on the world as a whole, but has certainly stripped us from the entertainment we crave. If that show you planned on attending this summer was virtual, would you pay to watch?
The idea of virtual entertainment is one that could help change the industry, at least for the time being. What would draw fans in to pay money to view this type of entertainment? Many celebrities have been doing at home events since the start of Covid. What would a paid for event entail? Would this be a success for both the performer and their audience?
I am an avid Taylor Swift fan and was supposed to be travelling to Boston to see her in early August. I have considered if I would pay now to see her virtually or if that would not be as good as being in the stadium with her. As I continued to think about this, I wondered how a virtual “meet and greet” might sweeten the deal and make a paid for virtual event worth it. If I knew that Taylor was picking her most loyal fans to receive a zoom call after the event, I would definitely see the value in a ticket to that virtual show. I would even find value in paying for the zoom call, although I am aware that spots would be limited. Other ways to interact would be song voting where the audience could interact with her. There can also be a message board where she could read fan messages. Because the event was paid for, it would eliminate the “hate” or negativity she may otherwise have in a similar platform, such as an instagram live. Merchandise could still be purchased for the event. Another unique feature could be creating an “avatar” to virtually enter the audience with. This avatar could potentially interact with other avatars to make the fan interaction still alive and well. This feature would open up hours before the event to allow fans to make friends and “sit” with whomever they wanted.
This idea is very abstract considering the shows we are all accustomed to, but it would change how we watch shows and attend events. Even once Covid-19 is a thing of the past, this option could be available to those who may not be able to attend the regularly scheduled events. The cost of this ticket would be lower with potential upgrades available, but all and all it could be a way to provide us with entertainment during this time when we so desperately want it.
Would you be willing to give it a shot?